Pastor Robb and Barbara met in college while studying at Pensacola Christian College and married soon after they graduated. Their first ministry was at Dyer Baptist Church, just outside of Chicago, serving as youth pastor and children’s ministry coordinator.
After serving 8 years in Dyer, the Lord led them to the mission field in Wales, United Kingdom, where they served for six years. God then led the Redlin family, to plant a church in Las Cruces, NM in 2009. Mountain View Baptist Church was established and steadily increased over the following 8 years to its largest attendance of over 160.
Pastor Robb then served as interim pastor of Front Range Baptist church in Fort Collins, CO. for six months. It was through this ministry that the door was opened for Robb to speak at Calvary Community Baptist where the Lord soon revealed His will for the Redlins to come and minister here.
The Redlin family is excited to see God working here and they look forward to all the Lord has in store here in Northglenn. Robb and Barbara have two children. Tell and his wife Taylar are serving the Lord in Tomball, TX, and Annie is excited to serve alongside her parents here at CCBC.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin magna felis, fermentum non semper in, semper ut nunc. In mi libero, suscipit eu nulla sed, accumsan viverra justo. Nullam eleifend turpis eget enim rutrum pretium. Praesent suscipit pharetra nibh, blandit viverra eros tempor pellentesque. Sed ac euismod dolor. Quisque ornare odio nunc, id dignissim eros vehicula aliquam. Sed mi ex, ullamcorper ut nisl sit amet, hendrerit cursus eros.
Ut in sem convallis, scelerisque urna quis, commodo lorem. Cras nec faucibus ante. Phasellus et porta lorem, eget luctus erat. Fusce augue leo, blandit id mi vel, sollicitudin cursus metus. Pellentesque vel est congue, pellentesque justo quis, ultrices lacus. Suspendisse potenti. In consequat gravida turpis, a eleifend mauris bibendum in. Suspendisse porta hendrerit ante, sit amet iaculis enim porta a. Nam vel lectus nec justo sollicitudin molestie. In arcu tortor, efficitur et nisl accumsan, efficitur convallis velit. Sed ut vulputate mi. Morbi venenatis tristique molestie. Cras rutrum purus eu iaculis euismod. Duis lacinia ex nec laoreet ultrices. Pellentesque fringilla pulvinar ultricies. Maecenas ut venenatis eros.